Inaugural Lecture | How Fair is the Music Ecosystem in a Platform-Dominated Economy? - fairmuse

Inaugural Lecture | How Fair is the Music Ecosystem in a Platform-Dominated Economy?

May 4, 2023
Inaugural Lecture | How Fair is the Music Ecosystem in a Platform-Dominated Economy?
Lisbon , Portugal

Católica Global School of Law, Católica | Lisbon School of LawAbreu Advogados and Abreu Advogados’ Knowledge Institute iheld the Inaugural Lecture: Abreu Professorship in Law and Innovation – “How Fair is the Music Ecosystem in a Platform-Dominated Economy?”, with Professor Giuseppe Mazziotti, on May 4 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Abreu Advogados’ auditorium in Lisbon.

Discover the program of this past event here

Cover image by Rod Long on Unsplash.