Prelude to a fairer
music industry

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Who decides the next song?

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Our data-driven digital economy calls for a reasonable shift of the music industry’s business model, revenue streams, and operating practices in which everyone is better off.

FAIRMUSE promotes fairness in the European music industry by raising awareness about how music algorithms, data collection, and exploitation models of social media and streaming platforms influence music creators and audiences.

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Everyone is better off

If EU laws are fair and sustainable then the businesses of both music creators and diverse online music platforms will thrive.

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Fair MusE to lead special session at EPIP Conference 2024 in Pisa, Italy

Fair MusE to lead special session at EPIP Conference 2024 in Pisa, Italy

Sep 11, 2024 - Sep 13, 2024
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Fair MusE will lead a special session at the 19th EPIP Conference in Pisa, focusing on copyright, music data transparency, and fairness in the EU music ecosystem.

Fair MusE releases policy brief on fairness in the EU music ecosystem

Fair MusE releases policy brief on fairness in the EU music ecosystem

July 10, 2024
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Authored by leading experts, this document advocates for fairness, equity, and sustainability in digital music platforms.

Experts converge in Lisbon to discuss EU law’s impact on portuguese music rights

Experts converge in Lisbon to discuss EU law’s impact on portuguese music rights

May 20, 2024
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An insightful panel on collective rights management and digital copyright with Fair MusE